PuSH - Publikationsserver des Helmholtz Zentrums München


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Hoek, G.* et al.: Spatial variability of fine particle concentrations in three European areas. Atmos. Environ. 36, 4077-4088 (2002)
Wittmaack, K. ; Menzel, N. ; Wehnes, H. & Heinzmann, U.: Phase separation and regrowth of aerosol matter collected after size fractionation in an impactor. Atmos. Environ. 36, 5877-5886 (2002)
Ilgen, E.* et al.: Aromatic hydrocarbons in the atmospheric environment : Part II. Univariate and multivariate analysis and case studies of indoor concentrations. Atmos. Environ. 35, 1253-1264 (2001)
Ilgen, E.* et al.: Aromatic hydrocarbons in the atmospheric environment. Part III: Personal monitoring. Atmos. Environ. 35, 1265-1279 (2001)
Ilgen, E.* et al.: Aromatic hydrocarbons in the atmospheric environment : Part I. Indoor versus outdoor sources, the influence of traffic. Atmos. Environ. 35, 1235-1252 (2001)
Schnelle-Kreis, J. ; Gebefügi, I. ; Welzl, G. ; Jaensch, T. & Kettrup, A.: Occurrence of particle-associated polycyclic aromatic compounds in ambient air of the city Munich. Atmos. Environ. 35, Suppl.1, 71-81 (2001)
Tuch, T.H.* et al.: Comparison of two particle-size spectrometers for ambient aerosol measurements. Atmos. Environ. 34, 139-149 (2000)
Thomas, A. & Gebhart, J.: Correltations Between Gravimetry and Light Scattering Photometry for Atmospheric Aerosols. Atmos. Environ. 28, 935-938 (1993)
Brand, P. ; Ruos, K. & Gebhart, J.: Performance of a mobile aerosol spectrometer for an in situ characterization of environmental aerosols in Frankfurt city. Atmos. Environ. 26 A, 2451-2457 (1992)
Enders, G.* et al.: Biosphere/Atmosphere interactions: Integrated research in a European coniferous forest ecosystem. Atmos. Environ. 26, 171-189 (1992)
Ruoss, K. ; Dlugi, R. ; Weigl, C. & Hänel, G.: Intercomparison of different aethalometers with an absorption technique: Laboratory calibrations and field measurements. Atmos. Environ. 26 A, 3161-3168 (1992)
Velissariou, D.* et al.: Effects of air pollution on Pinus halepensis (Mill.): Pollution levels in Attica, Greece. Atmos. Environ. 26, 373-380 (1992)
Brand, P. ; Gebhart, J. ; Below, M. ; Georgi, B. & Heyder, J.: Characterization of environmental aerosols on Heligoland Island. Atmos. Environ. 25 A, 581-585 (1991)
Stahlhofen, W. ; Armbruster, L. ; Gebhart, J. & Grein, E.: Particle sizing of aerosols by single particle observation in a sedimentation cell. Atmos. Environ. 9, 851-857 (1975)