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Kauke, T.* et al.: Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome due to donor-specific HLA-antibodies. Tissue Antigens 86, 178-185 (2015)
Matsuzaka, Y. et al.: Mapping of susceptibility locus for endometriosis within the HLA region using microsatellite markers in Japanese women. Tissue Antigens 75, 65-67 (2010)
Witter, K.* ; Mautner, J. ; Volgger, A.* ; Zahn, R.* & Kauke, T.*: A novel HLA-DRB1 allele, HLA-DRB1*0465, was identified in a Hodgkin's lymphoma cell line. Tissue Antigens 71, 250-259 (2008)
Witter, K.* ; Mautner, J. ; Albert, T.* ; Zahn, R.* & Kauke, T.*: HLA-DQB1*0319, a novel HLA-DQB1 allele, shows strong haplotype association to HLA-DRB1*1102. Tissue Antigens 70, 73-75 (2007)
Gatz, S.A. ; Pohla, H.* & Schendel, D.J.: A PCR-SSP method to specifically select HLA-A*0201 individuals for immunotherapeutic studies. Tissue Antigens 55, 1-16 (2000)
Grosse-Wilde, H. et al.: HLA-D typing in 72 psoriasis vulgaris patients: Distribution of seven HLA-D alleles. Tissue Antigens 11, 427-433 (1978)
Grosse-Wilde, H. et al.: Identification of four MLC specificities in the dog. Tissue Antigens 4, 229-237 (1974)