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Sabrautzki, S. ; Miller, M. ; Kague, E.* & Brielmeier, M.: Welfare assessment of adult laboratory zebrafish: A practical guide. Zebrafish 18, 282-292 (2021)
Sinha, D.K.* et al.: Photoactivation of the CreER T² recombinase for conditional site-specific recombination with high spatiotemporal resolution. Zebrafish 7, 199-204 (2010)
Anelli, V.* et al.: Global repression of cancer gene expression in a zebrafish model of melanoma is linked to epigenetic regulation. Zebrafish 6, 417-424 (2009)
Bally-Cuif, L.: Teleosts: Simple organisms? Complex behavior. Zebrafish 3, 127-130 (2006)