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Tibubos, A.N.* et al.: Bidimensional structure and measurement equivalence of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9: Sex-sensitive assessment of depressive symptoms in three representative German cohort studies. BMC Psychiatry 21:238 (2021)
Vitinius, F.* et al.: Somatic and sociodemographic predictors of depression outcome among depressed patients with coronary artery disease - a secondary analysis of the SPIRR-CAD study. BMC Psychiatry 19:57 (2019)
Teismann, T.* et al.: Suicidal ideation in primary care patients suffering from panic disorder with or without agoraphobia. BMC Psychiatry 18:305 (2018)
Stöber, G.* et al.: Systematic mutation analysis of KIAA0767 and KIAA I646 in chromosome 22q-linked periodic catatonia. BMC Psychiatry 5:36 (2005)