PuSH - Publikationsserver des Helmholtz Zentrums München


27 Datensätze gefunden.
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Schreiner, S. & Nassal, M.*: A role for the host DNA damage response in Hepatitis B Virus cccDNA formation-and beyond? Viruses 9:E125 (2017)
Shevtsov, M.* ; Zhao, L. ; Protzer, U. & Klundert, M.A.A.: Applicability of metal nanoparticles in the detection and monitoring of hepatitis B virus infection. Viruses 9:193 (2017)
Xia, Y.* & Protzer, U.: Control of hepatitis B virus by cytokines. Viruses 9:18 (2017)
Greiner, T.* et al.: Ion channel activity of Vpu proteins is conserved throughout evolution of HIV-1 and SIV. Viruses 8:325 (2016)
Wimmer, P.* & Schreiner, S.: Viral mimicry to usurp ubiquitin and sumo host pathways. Viruses 7, 4854-4877 (2015)
Gnirß, K.* et al.: Analysis of determinants in filovirus glycoproteins required for tetherin antagonism. Viruses 6, 1654-1671 (2014)
Toufaily, C.* ; Landry, S.* ; Leib-Mösch, C. ; Rassart, E.* & Barbeau, B.*: Activation of LTRs from different human endogenous retrovirus (HERV) families by the HTLV-1 tax protein and T-cell activators. Viruses 3, 2146-2159 (2011)