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Lazzardi, S.* et al.: Emergent statistical laws in single-cell transcriptomic data. Phys. Rev. E 107:044403 (2023)
Maddu, S.* ; Cheeseman, B.L.* ; Müller, C.L. & Sbalzarini, I.F.*: Learning physically consistent differential equation models from data using group sparsity. Phys. Rev. E 103:042310 (2021)
Blöchl, F. ; Theis, F.J. ; Vega-Redondo, F.* & Fisher, E.*: Vertex centralities in input-output networks reveal the structure of modern economies. Phys. Rev. E 83:046127 (2011)
Gehrmann, E.* et al.: Robustness of glycolysis in yeast to internal and external noise. Phys. Rev. E 84:021913 (2011)