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Boczki, P.* et al.: Inhibition of AHCY impedes proliferation and differentiation of mouse and human adipocyte progenitor cells. Adipocyte 13:2290218 (2024)
Couchet, M.* et al.: Adipogenic characterization of immortalized CD55+ progenitor cells from human white adipose tissue. Adipocyte:2283213 (2023)
Kempf, E.* et al.: Associations of GHR, IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 expression in adipose tissue cells with obesity-related alterations in corresponding circulating levels and adipose tissue function in children. Adipocyte 11, 630-642 (2022)
Tindall, C.* et al.: Cleavage of the vaspin N-terminus releases cell-penetrating peptides that affect early stages of adipogenesis and inhibit lipolysis in mature adipocytes. Adipocyte 10, 216-231 (2021)
Habegger, K.M.* et al.: Role of adipose and hepatic atypical protein kinase C lambda (PKCλ) in the development of obesity and glucose intolerance. Adipocyte 1, 203-214 (2012)