PuSH - Publikationsserver des Helmholtz Zentrums München


35 Datensätze gefunden.
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Schork, A. et al.: Effect of SGLT2 inhibitors on body composition, fluid status and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in type 2 diabetes: A prospective study using bioimpedance spectroscopy. Cardiovasc. Diabetol. 18:46 (2019)
Masuch, A.* et al.: Metabolomic profiling implicates adiponectin as mediator of a favorable lipoprotein profile associated with NT-proBNP. Cardiovasc. Diabetol. 17:120 (2018)
Schlett, C.L.* et al.: Association between abdominal adiposity and subclinical measures of left-ventricular remodeling in diabetics, prediabetics and normal controls without history of cardiovascular disease as measured by magnetic resonance imaging: Results from the KORA-FF4 Study. Cardiovasc. Diabetol. 17, 88:88 (2018)
Tauscher, S.* et al.: β Cell-specific deletion of guanylyl cyclase A, the receptor for atrial natriuretic peptide, accelerates obesity-induced glucose intolerance in mice. Cardiovasc. Diabetol. 17:103 (2018)
Carstensen-Kirberg, M.* et al.: Inverse associations between serum levels of secreted frizzled-related protein-5 (SFRP5) and multiple cardiometabolic risk factors: KORA F4 study. Cardiovasc. Diabetol. 16:109 (2017)
Herder, C.* et al.: Serum levels of interleukin-22, cardiometabolic risk factors and incident type 2 diabetes: KORA F4/FF4 study. Cardiovasc. Diabetol. 16:17 (2017)
Bohn, B.* et al.: Achievement of treatment goals for secondary prevention of myocardial infarction or stroke in 29,325 patients with type 2 diabetes: A German/Austrian DPV-multicenter analysis. Cardiovasc. Diabetol. 15:72 (2016)
Lebherz, C.* et al.: Interleukin-6 predicts inflammation-induced increase of glucagon-like peptide-1 in humans in response to cardiac surgery with association to parameters of glucose metabolism. Cardiovasc. Diabetol. 15:21 (2016)
Colombo, M. et al.: Association of obesity and long-term mortality in patients with acute myocardial infarction with and without diabetes mellitus: Results from the MONICA/KORA myocardial infarction registry. Cardiovasc. Diabetol. 14:24 (2015)
Aoqui, C.* et al.: Microvascular dysfunction in the course of metabolic syndrome induced by high-fat diet. Cardiovasc. Diabetol. 13:31 (2014)
Stratmann, B.* et al.: PLA1A2 platelet polymorphism predicts mortality in prediabetic subjects of the population based KORA S4-cohort. Cardiovasc. Diabetol. 13:90 (2014)
Then, C. et al.: Plasma copeptin levels are inversely associated with intima-media-thickness in men: The population-based KORA F4 study. Cardiovasc. Diabetol. 12:168 (2013)
Rückert, I.-M. et al.: Blood pressure and lipid management fall far short in persons with type 2 diabetes: Results from the DIAB-CORE consortium including six German population-based studies. Cardiovasc. Diabetol. 11:50 (2012)
Rückert, I.-M. et al.: Personal attributes that influence the adequate management of hypertension and dyslipidemia in patients with type 2 diabetes. Results from the DIAB-CORE cooperation. Cardiovasc. Diabetol. 11:120 (2012)
Findeisen, H.M.* et al.: Metabolic syndrome predicts vascular changes in whole body magnetic resonance imaging in patients with long standing diabetes mellitus. Cardiovasc. Diabetol. 9:44 (2010)