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Wahman, R.* ; Cruzeiro, C. ; Graßmann, J.* ; Schröder, P. & Letzel, T.*: The changes in Lemna minor metabolomic profile: A response to diclofenac incubation. Chemosphere 287:132078 (2022)
Li, F. et al.: Characteristics of chemical profile, sources and PAH toxicity of PM2.5 in beijing in autumn-winter transit season with regard to domestic heating, pollution control measures and meteorology. Chemosphere 276:130143 (2021)
Pandelova, M. ; Henkelmann, B. ; Lalah, J.O.* ; Norf, H.* & Schramm, K.-W.: Spatial, temporal, and inter-compartmental environmental monitoring of lipophilic pollutants by virtual organisms. Chemosphere 264:128546 (2021)
Yang, W.* et al.: Determination of organochlorine pesticides in human umbilical cord and association with orofacial clefts in offspring. Chemosphere 266:129188 (2021)
Ivorra, L.* ; Cruzeiro, C. ; Chan, S.K.* ; Tagulao, K.* & Cardoso, P.G.*: Uptake and depuration kinetics of dicofol metabolite 4,4 '-dichlorobenzophenone, in the edible Asiatic clam Meretrix meretrix. Chemosphere 235, 662-669 (2019)
Picornell, A.* et al.: Increasing resolution of airborne pollen forecasting at a discrete sampled area in the southwest Mediterranean Basin. Chemosphere 234, 668-681 (2019)
Steinmetz, Z.* et al.: Biodegradation and photooxidation of phenolic compounds in soil-A compound-specific stable isotope approach. Chemosphere 230, 210-218 (2019)
Rodríguez-Fernández, D.* et al.: Dual element (C-Cl) isotope approach to distinguish abiotic reactions of chlorinated methanes by Fe(0) and by Fe(II) on iron minerals at neutral and alkaline pH. Chemosphere 206, 447-456 (2018)
Shakeri Yekta, S.* et al.: Pretreatment,of anaerobic digester samples by hydrochloric acid for solution-state 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopic characterization of organic matter. Chemosphere 199, 201-209 (2018)
Chen, F. ; Huber, C. & Schröder, P.: Fate of the sunscreen compound oxybenzone in Cyperus alternifolius based hydroponic culture: Uptake, biotransformation and phytotoxicity. Chemosphere 182, 638-646 (2017)
Li, R. ; Dörfler, U. ; Munch, J.C.* & Schroll, R.: Enhanced degradation of isoproturon in an agricultural soil by a Sphingomonas sp. strain and a microbial consortium. Chemosphere 168, 1169-1176 (2017)
Huber, C. et al.: Emerging pollutants and plants - metabolic activation of diclofenac by peroxidases. Chemosphere 146, 435-441 (2016)
Mumbo, J. et al.: The fingerprints of dioxin-like bromocarbazoles and chlorocarbazoles in selected forest soils in Germany. Chemosphere 162, 64-72 (2016)
Wang, F. ; Dörfler, U. ; Jiang, X.* & Schroll, R.: Predicting isoproturon long-term mineralization from short-term experiment: Can this be a suitable approach? Chemosphere 144, 312-318 (2016)
Cui, H. ; Hense, B.A. ; Müller, J. & Schröder, P.: Short term uptake and transport process for metformin in roots of Phragmites australis and Typha latifolia. Chemosphere 134, 307-312 (2015)
Eibisch, N. ; Schroll, R. & Fuß, R.*: Effect of pyrochar and hydrochar amendments on the mineralization of the herbicide isoproturon in an agricultural soil. Chemosphere 134, 528-535 (2015)
Mahugija, J.A.* ; Henkelmann, B. & Schramm, K.-W.: Levels and patterns of organochlorine pesticides and their degradation products in rainwater in Kibaha Coast Region, Tanzania. Chemosphere 118, 12-19 (2015)
Rybacka, A.* ; Rudén, C.* ; Tetko, I.V. & Andersson, P.L.*: Identifying potential endocrine disruptors among industrial chemicals and their metabolites - development and evaluation of in silico tools. Chemosphere 139, 372-378 (2015)
Temoka, C. et al.: Concentrations and mass fluxes estimation of organochlorine pesticides in Three Gorges Reservoir with virtual organisms using in situ PRC-based sampling rate. Chemosphere 144, 1521-1529 (2015)
Cobbe, S.M. et al.: Spatial and temporal variability of source contributions to ambient PM10 during winter in Augsburg, Germany using organic and inorganic tracers. Chemosphere 113, 263-273 (2014)