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Stein-Merlob, A.F.* et al.: Atheroma susceptible to thrombosis exhibit impaired endothelial permeability in vivo as assessed by nanoparticle-based fluorescence molecular imaging. Circ.-Cardiovasc. Imaging 10:e005813 (2017)
Wildgruber, M.* et al.: Assessment of myocardial infarction and post-infarction scar remodeling with an elastin-specific magnetic resonance agent. Circ.-Cardiovasc. Imaging 7, 321-329 (2014)
Laitinen, I.* et al.: Evaluation of ανβ₃ integrin-targeted positron emission tomography tracer ¹⁸F-galacto-RGD for imaging of vascular inflammation in atherosclerotic mice. Circ.-Cardiovasc. Imaging 2, 331-338 (2009)