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Bialke, M.* et al.: #consented - A semantic consent code to facilitate consistent documentation and implementation of consent in collaborative medical research. Int. J. Med. Inform. 190:105545 (2024)
Lamprinos, I.* et al.: Modular ICT-based patient empowerment framework for self-management of diabetes: Design perspectives and validation results. Int. J. Med. Inform. 91, 31-43 (2016)
Blobel, B.* ; Pharow, P.* ; Spiegel, V.* ; Engel, K.* & Engelbrecht, R.: Securing interoperability between chip card based medical information systems and health networks. Int. J. Med. Inform. 64, 401-415 (2001)
Blobel, B.* ; Dudeck, J.* ; Engelbrecht, R. ; Gell, G.* & Prokosch, H.-U.*: Special Issue : MIE 2000 Medical Infobahn for Europe. Int. J. Med. Inform. 64, 67 (2001)
Ingernerf, J.* ; Reiner, J. & Seik, B.*: Standardized terminological services enabling semantic interoperability between distributed and heterogeneous systems. Int. J. Med. Inform. 64, 223-240 (2001)