PuSH - Publikationsserver des Helmholtz Zentrums München


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Genz, J.* et al.: Blood glucose testing and primary prevention of type 2 diabetes - evaluation of the effect of evidence-based patient information: A randomized controlled trial. Diabetic Med. 29, 1011-1020 (2012)
Schipf, S.* et al.: Regional differences in the prevalence of known type 2 diabetes mellitus in 45-74 years old individuals: Results from six population-based studies in Germany (DIAB-CORE consortium). Diabetic Med. 29, E88-E95 (2012)
Schunk, M. et al.: Health-related quality of life in subjects with and without type 2 diabetes: Pooled analysis of five population-based surveys in Germany. Diabetic Med. 29, 646-653 (2012)
Meisinger, C. et al.: Prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes and impaired glucose regulation in 35-59-year-old individuals in southern Germany: The KORA F4 study. Diabetic Med. 27, 360-362 (2010)
Rathmann, W.* et al.: Prediction models for incident Type 2 diabetes mellitus in the older population: KORA S4/F4 cohort study. Diabetic Med. 27, 1116-1123 (2010)
Thorand, B. et al.: Associations between leptin and the leptin/adiponectin ratio and incident Type 2 diabetes in middle-aged men and women: Results from the MONICA/KORA Augsburg study 1984-2002. Diabetic Med. 27, 1004-1011 (2010)
Rathmann, W.* et al.: Incidence of type 2 diabetes in the elderly German population and the effect of clinical and lifestyle risk factors: KORA S4/F4 cohort study. Diabetic Med. 26, 1212-1219 (2009)
Icks, A.* et al.: Are symptoms of depression more common in diabetes? Results from the Heinz Nixdorf Recall study. Diabetic Med. 25, 1330-1336 (2008)
Rathmann, W.* ; Strassburger, K.* ; Giani, G.* ; Döring, A. & Meisinger, C.: Differences in height explain gender differences in the response to the oral glucose tolerance test. Diabetic Med. 25, 1374-1375 (2008)
Icks, A.* et al.: Clinical and cost-effectiveness of primary prevention of Type 2 diabetes in a 'real world' routine healthcare setting: Model based on the KORA Survey 2000. Diabetic Med. 24, 473-480 (2007)
Stiegler, H. ; Standl, E. ; Schulz, K. ; Roth, R. & Lehmacher, W.: Morbidity, Mortality, and Albuminuria in Type 2 Diabetic Patients: a Three-year Prospective Study of a Random Cohort in General Practice. Diabetic Med. 9, 646-653 (1992)
The EURODIABETA Project: Information Technology for Diabetes Care in Europe: the EURODIABETA Initiative. Diabetic Med. 7, 639-650 (1990)