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Schieferdecker, A.* et al.: Comparison of three different serum-free light-chain assays-implications on diagnostic and therapeutic monitoring of multiple myeloma. Blood Cancer J. 10:2 (2020)
Neumann, M.* et al.: FAT1 expression and mutations in adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood Cancer J. 4:e224 (2014)
Linka, Y.* et al.: The impact of TEL-AML1 (ETV6-RUNX1) expression in precursor B cells and implications for leukaemia using three different genome-wide screening methods. Blood Cancer J. 3:e151 (2013)
Brackertz, B.* et al.: FLT3-regulated antigens as targets for leukemia-reactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Blood Cancer J. 1:e11 (2011)