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Scherb, H. & Grech, V.*: Trends in births and the birth sex ratio in the vicinity of the Mainz research reactor in Germany. Early Hum. Dev. 141:104869 (2020)
Hartkopf, J.* et al.: Neuromagnetic signatures of syllable processing in fetuses and infants provide no evidence for habituation. Early Hum. Dev. 100, 61-66 (2016)
Masukume, G.* ; Grech, V.* & Scherb, H.: Reply: Analysis of the sex ratio at birth in South Africa increased 9 months after the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Early Hum. Dev. 97, 11-13 (2016)
Scherb, H. ; Voigt, K. & Kusmierz, R.: Ionizing radiation and the human gender proportion at birth - a concise review of the literature and complementary analyses of historical and recent data. Early Hum. Dev. 91, 841-850 (2015)