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Zafeiratou, S.* et al.: Modification of heat-related effects on mortality by air pollution concentration, at small-area level, in the Attica prefecture, Greece. Environ. Health 23:10 (2024)
Garí, M. et al.: Correction: Human-Biomonitoring derived exposure and Daily Intakes of Bisphenol A and their associations with neurodevelopmental outcomes among children of the Polish Mother and Child Cohort Study. Environ. Health 22:24 (2023)
Drakvik, E.* et al.: Priorities for research on environment, climate and health, a European perspective. Environ. Health 21:37 (2022)
Chen, H.* et al.: The influence of dietary intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on the association between short-term exposure to ambient nitrogen dioxide and respiratory and cardiovascular outcomes among healthy adults. Environ. Health 20:123 (2021)
Garí, M. et al.: Human-Biomonitoring derived exposure and Daily Intakes of Bisphenol A and their associations with neurodevelopmental outcomes among children of the Polish Mother and Child Cohort Study. Environ. Health 20:95 (2021)
Scherb, H. & Hayashi, K.*: Response to the “Letter to the Editor” by Alfred Körblein, “Short term increase in low birthweight babies after Fukushima”. Environ. Health 19:125 (2020)
Peng, S.* et al.: A nested case-control study indicating heavy metal residues in meconium associate with maternal gestational diabetes mellitus risk. Environ. Health 14:19 (2015)
Shen, H.* et al.: Pooling samples for "top-down" molecular exposomics research: The methodology. Environ. Health 13:8 (2014)
Casas, L.* et al.: Early life microbial exposure and fractional exhaled nitric oxide in school-age children: A prospective birth cohort study. Environ. Health 12:103 (2013)
Gehring, U.* et al.: Environmental exposure assessment in European birth cohorts: Results from the ENRIECO project. Environ. Health 12:8 (2013)
Hoek, G.* et al.: Long-term air pollution exposure and cardio-respiratory mortality: A review. Environ. Health 12:43 (2013)
Scherb, H. ; Kusmierz, R. & Voigt, K.: Increased sex ratio in Russia and Cuba after Chernobyl: A radiological hypothesis. Environ. Health 12:63 (2013)
von Klot, S. ; Zanobetti, A.* & Schwartz, J.*: Influenza epidemics, seasonality, and the effects of cold weather on cardiac mortality. Environ. Health 11:74 (2012)
Liu, L. et al.: Associations between air temperature and cardio-respiratory mortality in the urban area of Beijing, China: A time-series analysis. Environ. Health 10:51 (2011)
D'Ippoliti, D.* et al.: The impact of heat waves on mortality in 9 European cities: Results from the EuroHEAT project. Environ. Health 9:37 (2010)
Smolders, R.* ; Schramm, K.-W. ; Nickmilder, M.* & Schoeters, G.*: Applicability of non-invasively collected matrices for human biomonitoring. Environ. Health 8:8 (2009)