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Wittmaack, K.: Dose and response metrics in nanotoxicology: Wittmaack responds to Oberdoerster et al. and Stöger et al.. Environ. Health Perspect. 115, 291-292 (2007)
Brauer, M.* et al.: Traffic-related air pollution and otitis media. Environ. Health Perspect. 114, 1414-1418 (2006)
Damgaard, I.N.* et al.: Persistent pesticides in human breast milk and cryptorchidism. Environ. Health Perspect. 114, 1133-1138 (2006)
Geiser, M.* et al.: Ultrafine particles. Environ. Health Perspect. 114, 212-213 (2006)
Künzli, N.* et al.: Comparison of oxidative properties, light absorbance and total and elemental mass concentration of ambient PM2.5 collected at 20 European sites. Environ. Health Perspect. 114, 684-690 (2006)
Lanki, T.* et al.: Can we identify sources of fine particles responsible for exercise-induced ischemia on days with elevated air pollution? The ULTRA study. Environ. Health Perspect. 114, 655-660 (2006)
Stöger, T. et al.: Instillation of six different ultrafine carbon particles indicates a surface area threshold dose for acute lung inflammation in mice. Environ. Health Perspect. 114, 328-333 (2006)
Cyrys, J. et al.: GIS-based estimation of exposure to particulate matter and NO2 in an urban area: Stochastic versus dispersion modeling. Environ. Health Perspect. 113, 987-992 (2005)
Geiser, M.* et al.: Ultrafine particles cross cellular membranes by nonphagocytic mechanisms in lungs and in cultured cells. Environ. Health Perspect. 113, 1555-1560 (2005)
Henneberger, A.* et al.: Repolarization changes induced by air pollution in ischemic heart disease patients. Environ. Health Perspect. 113, 440-446 (2005)
Thurston, G.D.* & Stölzel, M.: Workshop report: Workshop on source apportionment of particulate matter health effects­intercomparison of results and implications. Environ. Health Perspect. 113, 1768-1774 (2005)
Gehring, U. et al.: Prediction of residential pet and cockroach allergen levels using questionnaire information. Environ. Health Perspect. 112, 834-839 (2004)
Ibald-Mulli, A. et al.: Effects of Particulate Air Pollution on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Subjects with Cardiovascular Disease : A Multe-Centre Approach. Environ. Health Perspect. 112, 369-377 (2004)
Frye, C. et al.: Association of Lung Function with Declining Ambient Air Pollution. Environ. Health Perspect. 111, 383-387 (2003)
Gavett, S.H.* ; Haykal-Coates, N.* ; Copeland, L.B.* ; Heinrich, J. & Gilmour, M.I.*: Metal Composition of Ambient PM2.5 Influences Severity of Allergic Airways Disease in Mice. Environ. Health Perspect. 111, 1471-1478 (2003)
Lippmann, M.* et al.: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Particulate Matter Health Effects Research Centers Program : A Midcourse Report of Status, Progress and Plans. Environ. Health Perspect. 111, 1074-1092 (2003)
Jacob, B. et al.: Indoor Exposure to Molds and Allergic Sensitization. Environ. Health Perspect. 110, 647-653 (2002)
Beck-Speier, I. et al.: Agglomerates of Ultrafine Particles of Elemental Carbon and TiO2 Induce Generation of Lipid Mediators in Alveolar Macrophages. Environ. Health Perspect. 109, Suppl.4, 613-618 (2001)
Gehring, U. et al.: ß(1-3)-Glucan in House Dust of German Homes : Housing Characteristics, Occupant Behavior and Relations with Endotoxins, Allergens and Molds. Environ. Health Perspect. 109, 139-144 (2001)
Takenaka, S. et al.: Pulmonary and systematic distribution of inhaled ultrafine silver particles in rats. Environ. Health Perspect. 109, Suppl.4, 547-551 (2001)