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Gottschalk, S.* et al.: Costs associated with insufficient physical activity in Germany: Cross-sectional results from the baseline examination of the German national cohort (NAKO). Eur. J. Health Econ., DOI: 10.1007/s10198-024-01697-9 (2024)
Kurz, C.F. & König, A.: The causal impact of sugar taxes on soft drink sales: Evidence from France and Hungary. Eur. J. Health Econ. 22, 905-915 (2021)
Kirsch, F. ; Becker, C. ; Schramm, A.* ; Maier, W. & Leidl, R.: Patients with coronary artery disease after acute myocardial infarction: Effects of continuous enrollment in a structured Disease Management Program on adherence to guideline-recommended medication, health care expenditures, and survival. Eur. J. Health Econ. 21, 607–619 (2020)
Steinbeisser, K. ; Schwarzkopf, L. ; Graessel, E.* & Seidl, H.: Cost-effectiveness of a non-pharmacological treatment vs. “care as usual” in day care centers for community-dwelling older people with cognitive impairment: Results from the German randomized controlled DeTaMAKS-trial. Eur. J. Health Econ. 21, 825–844 (2020)
Müller, D.* et al.: Economic modeling of risk-adapted screen-and-treat strategies in women at high risk for breast or ovarian cancer. Eur. J. Health Econ. 20, 739-750 (2019)
Müller, D.* et al.: Cost-effectiveness of different strategies to prevent breast and ovarian cancer in German women with a BRCA 1 or 2 mutation. Eur. J. Health Econ. 19, 341–353 (2017)
Stollenwerk, B. ; Welchowski, T. ; Vogl, M. & Stock, S.*: Cost-of-illness studies based on massive data: A prevalence-based, top-down regression approach. Eur. J. Health Econ. 17, 235-244 (2016)
Müller, D.J.* ; Stock, S.* & Stollenwerk, B.: Cost-effectiveness of a multifactorial fracture prevention program for elderly people admitted to nursing homes. Eur. J. Health Econ. 16, 517-527 (2015)
Seidl, H. et al.: Cost-effectiveness of nurse-based case management versus usual care for elderly patients with myocardial infarction: Results from the KORINNA study. Eur. J. Health Econ. 16, 671-681 (2015)
Vogl, M. & Leidl, R.: Informing management on the future structure of hospital care: An extrapolation of trends in demand and costs in lung diseases. Eur. J. Health Econ., DOI: 10.1007/s10198-015-0699-4 (2015)
Fischer, K.E. & Leidl, R.: Analysing coverage decision-making: Opening Pandora's box? Eur. J. Health Econ. 15, 899-906 (2014)
Stollenwerk, B. ; Gandjour, A.* ; Lüngen, M.* & Siebert, U.*: Accounting for increased non-target-disease-specific mortality in decision-analytic screening models for economic evaluation. Eur. J. Health Econ. 14, 1035-1048 (2013)
Haas, L. ; Stargardt, T. & Schreyögg, J.: Cost-effectiveness of open versus laparoscopic appendectomy: A multilevel approach with propensity score matching. Eur. J. Health Econ. 13, 549-560 (2012)
Schad, M. & John, J.: Towards a social discount rate for the economic evaluation of health technologies in Germany: An exploratory analysis. Eur. J. Health Econ. 13, 127-144 (2012)
Drummond, M.* ; Jönsson, B.* ; Rutten, F.* & Stargardt, T.: Reimbursement of pharmaceuticals: Reference pricing versus health technology assessment. Eur. J. Health Econ. 12, 263-271 (2011)
Schreyögg, J. & Grabka, M.M.: Copayments for ambulatory care in Germany: A natural experiment using a difference-in-difference approach. Eur. J. Health Econ. 11, 331-341 (2010)
Behrend, C. et al.: Risk-adjusted capitation payments: How well do principal inpatient diagnosis-based models work in the German situation? Results from a large data set. Eur. J. Health Econ. 8, 31-39 (2007)