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Roullier-Gall, C. et al.: Combined nontargeted analytical methodologies for the characterization of the chemical evolution of bottled wines. In: Advances in Wine Research. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2015. 13-27 (ACS Symp. Series ; 1203)
Elsner, M. & Hofstetter, T.B.*: Current perspectives on the mechanisms of chlorohydrocarbon degradation in subsurface environments: Insight from kinetics, product formation, probe molecules, and isotope fractionation. In: Tratnyek, P.G.* ; Grundl, T.J.* ; Haderlein, S.B.* [Eds.]: Aquatic Redox Chemistry. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2011. 407-439 (ACS Symp. Series ; 1071)
Gougeon, R.D.* et al.: Authentication approach of the chemodiversity of grape and wine by FTICR-MS. ACS Symp. Series 1081, 69-88 (2011)
Krämer, P.M. et al.: Optical immunosensor and ELISA for the analysis of pyrethroids and DDT in environmental samples. In: Kennedy, I.R.* [Eds.]: Rational Environmental Management of Agrochemicals. Washington: American Chemical Society, 2007. 186-202 (ACS Symp. Series ; 966)
Hofmann, T.* ; Bors, W. & Stettmaier, K.: CROSSPY : A radical intermediate of melanoidin formation in roasted coffee. In: Morello, M.J.* ; Shahidi, F.* ; Ho, C.-T.* [Eds.]: Free Radicals in Food : Chemistry, Nutrition and Health Effects. Washinton, DC: American Chemical Society, 2002. 49-69 (ACS Symp. Series ; 807)
Sandermann, H. ; Hertkorn, N. ; May, R.G. & Lange, B.M.*: Bound Pesticidal Residues in Crop Plants : Chemistry, Bioavailability and Toxicology. In: Hall, J.C.* ; Hoagland, R.E.* ; Zablotowicz, R.M.* [Eds.]: Pesticide Biotransformation in Plants and Microorganisms Similarities and Divergences. 2001. 119-128 (ACS Symp. Series ; 777)
Marth, P. et al.: The German Environmental Specimen Bank: Application in Trend Monitoring of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons. In: Johnston, J.J.* [Eds.]: Pesticides and Wildlife. 2000. 68-81 (ACS Symp. Series ; 771)
Ivanovich, M.* ; Wolf, M. ; Geyer, S. & Fritz, P.*: Isotopic characterization of humic colloids and other organic and inorganic dissolved species in selected groundwaters from sand aquifers at Gorleben, Germany. ACS Symp. Series 651, 220-243 (1996)