PuSH - Publikationsserver des Helmholtz Zentrums München


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Kassel, O.* et al.: A nuclear isoform of the focal adhesion LIM-domain protein Trip6 integrates activating and repressing signals at AP-1- and NK-kB-regulated promoters. Genes Dev. 18, 2518-2528 (2004)
Paffenholz, R.* & Heinzmann, U.: Vestibular defects in head-tilt mice result from mutations in Nox3, encoding an NADPH oxidase. Genes Dev. 18, 1-6 (2004)
Fitch, K.R.* et al.: Genetics of dark skin in mice. Genes Dev. 17, 214-228 (2003)
Bally-Cuif, L. ; Goutel, C.* ; Wassef, M.* ; Wurst, W. & Rosa, F.*: Coregulation of anterior and posterior mesendodermal development by a hairy-related transcriptional repressor. Genes Dev. 14, 1664-1677 (2000)
Kimmel, R.A.* et al.: Two lineage boundaries coordinate vertebrate apical ectodermal ridge formation. Genes Dev. 14, 1377-1389 (2000)