PuSH - Publikationsserver des Helmholtz Zentrums München


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Strasser, D. et al.: Syk kinase-coupled C-type lectin receptors engage protein kinase C-δ to elicit Card9 adaptor-mediated innate immunity. Immunity 36, 32-42 (2012)
Wendland, M.* et al.: Lymph node T cell homeostasis relies on steady state homing of dendritic cells. Immunity 35, 945-957 (2012)
Roth, S.* & Ruland, J.: Caspase-8: Clipping off RIG-I signaling. Immunity 34, 283-285 (2011)
Neuenhahn, M. & Busch, D.H.: The quest for CD8⁺ memory stem cells. Immunity 31, 702-704 (2010)
Rebholz, B.* et al.: Crosstalk between keratinocytes and adaptive immune cells in an IkappaBalpha protein-mediated inflammatory disease of the skin. Immunity 27, 296-307 (2007)
Stemberger, C. et al.: A single naïve CD8⁺ T cell precursor can develop into diverse effector and memory subsets. Immunity 27, 985-997 (2007)
Anfossi, N.* et al.: Human NK cell education by inhibitory receptors for MHC class I. Immunity 25, 331-342 (2006)
Nera, K.-P.* et al.: Loss of Pax5 promotes plasma cell differentiation. Immunity 24, 283-293 (2006)
Neuenhahn, M.* et al.: CD8alpha+ dendritic cells are required for efficient entry of listeria monocytogenes into the spleen. Immunity 25, 619-630 (2006)
Yu, P. et al.: Autoimmunity and inflammation due to a gain-of-function mutation in phospholipase Cgamma2 that specifically increases external Ca2+ entry. Immunity 22, 451-465 (2005)
Mocikat, R. et al.: Natural killer cells activated by MHC class ILow targets prime dentritic cells to induce protective CD8 T cells responses. Immunity 19, 561-569 (2003)
Flügel, A.* et al.: Migratory Activity and Functional Changes of Green Fluorescent Effector Cells before and during Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis. Immunity 14, 547-560 (2001)
Saura, M.* et al.: An antiviral mechanism of nitric oxide : Inhibition of a viral protease. Immunity 10, 21-28 (1999)