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Grimus, S.* et al.: Immunoprotection strategies in β-Cell replacement therapy: A closer look at porcine islet xenotransplantation. Adv. Sci.:e2401385 (2024)
Schneider, C.* et al.: A novel AMPK inhibitor sensitizes pancreatic cancer cells to ferroptosis induction. Adv. Sci.:e2307695 (2024)
Zhou, Q. et al.: Bridging smart nanosystems with clinically relevant models and advanced imaging for precision drug delivery. Adv. Sci. 11:e2308659 (2024)
Chen, T.* et al.: Serum bile acids improve prediction of Alzheimer's progression in a sex-dependent manner. Adv. Sci.:e2306576 (2023)
Jüstel, D. et al.: Spotlight on nerves: Portable multispectral optoacoustic imaging of peripheral nerve vascularization and morphology. Adv. Sci. 10:e2301322 (2023)
Bauer, A. et al.: Molecular signature of astrocytes for gene delivery by the synthetic adeno-associated viral vector rAAV9P1. Adv. Sci.:e2104979 (2022)
Rios Garcia, M. et al.: Trip13 depletion in liver cancer induces a lipogenic response contributing to plin2-dependent mitotic cell death. Adv. Sci. 9:e2104291 (2022)
Arnold, F.* et al.: Functional genomic screening during somatic cell reprogramming identifies DKK3 as a roadblock of organ regeneration. Adv. Sci. 8:2100626 (2021)
Demir, S. ; Nawroth, P.P. ; Herzig, S. & Ekim Üstünel, B.: Emerging targets in type 2 diabetes and diabetic complications. Adv. Sci., e2100275 (2021)
Qi, H.* et al.: Reduced acrolein detoxification in akr1a1a zebrafish mutants causes impaired insulin receptor signaling and microvascular alterations. Adv. Sci. 8:e2101281 (2021)
Hofmann, S.* et al.: ATO (Arsenic Trioxide) effects on promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies reveals antiviral intervention capacity. Adv. Sci. 7:1902130 (2020)
Zensen, C.* ; Fernandez, I.E. ; Eickelberg, O. ; Feldmann, J.* & Lohmüller, T.*: Detecting swelling states of red blood cells by "Cell-fluid coupling spectroscopy". Adv. Sci. 4:1600238 (2017)