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Corrigendum to "Generation, characterization, and toxicological assessment of reference ultrafine soot particles with different organic content for inhalation toxicological studies" [Sci. Total Environ. Volume 951 (2024) 175727].

Sci. Total Environ.:176571 (2024)
Erratum DOI PMC
Open Access Gold (Paid Option)
Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag
We wish to correct the funding information provided in the original publication. The correct funding details are as follows: This project was financed by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection. The authors acknowledge the support of the Bayerischer Projektverbund Ultrafeine Partikel (BAY UFP). This research was also supported by the project ULTRHAS – ULtrafine particles from TRansportation – Health Assessment of Sources, a project funded under the EU's Research and Innovation programme Horizon 2020, Grant Agreement No. 955390. H.C. acknowledges funding from the Helmholtz International Laboratory aeroHEALTH (Interlabs-0005). The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.
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Publikationstyp Sonstiges: Korrektur, Ergänzung
ISSN (print) / ISBN 0048-9697
e-ISSN 1879-1026
Quellenangaben Band: , Heft: , Seiten: , Artikelnummer: 176571 Supplement: ,
Verlag Elsevier
Nichtpatentliteratur Publikationen
Begutachtungsstatus Peer reviewed