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Möhrenschlager, M.* ; Mempel, M.* ; Weichenmeier, I. ; Engst, R.* ; Ring, J.* ; Behrendt, H.

Scanning electron microscopy of Dermatobia hominis reveals cutaneous anchoring features.

J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 57, 716-718 (2007)
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We report the case of a 45-year-old Caucasian woman suffering from cutaneous myiasis. With the use of scanning electron microscopy, we placed special focus on the mechanisms by which Dermatobia hominis can fasten securely within the human skin.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Scientific Article
Corresponding Author
ISSN (print) / ISBN 0190-9622
e-ISSN 1097-6787
Quellenangaben Volume: 57, Issue: 4, Pages: 716-718 Article Number: , Supplement: ,
Publisher Elsevier
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed
Institute(s) CCG Environmental Dermatology and Allergology (ILBD-KAU)
Institute of Epidemiology (EPI)