Fluxes of carbon dioxide, water vapour, heat and momentum over a northern German beech forest were measured by use of the eddy covariance technique. The canopy conductance to water vapour transfer, gc, was calculated for daylight periods with sufficient fetch, sufficient energy balance closure, and dry canopy surface. In search for functional responses of the beech canopy to the environment, we related gc linearly to net ecosystem CO2 exchange (Fc) scaled by relative air humidity, and Fc non-linearly to photon flux density, air temperature and gc. Consequently, conductance and CO2 exchange of the canopy were assumed to be coupled as in the widely used leaf scale approach by Farquhar & von Caemmerer (1982) and Ball et al. (1987). Applying the respective canopy scale formulations left only 30% of the variance in gc and 37% of the variance in Fc unexplained. Testing the equations against eddy flux data collected in a Danish beech forest resulted in an agreement within a few percent. A perspective is given how to simplify canopy water and carbon flux models by use of the framework presented in this study.