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Eberlein, C.* ; Estelmann, S.* ; Seifert, J. ; von Bergen, M. ; Müller, M.* ; Meckenstock, R.U. ; Boll, M.*

Identification and characterization of 2-naphthoyl-coenzyme A reductase, the prototype of a novel class of dearomatizing reductases.

Mol. Microbiol. 88, 1032-1039 (2013)
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The enzymatic dearomatization of aromatic ring systems by reduction represents a highly challenging redox reaction in biology and plays a key role in the degradation of aromatic compounds under anoxic conditions. In anaerobic bacteria, most monocyclic aromatic growth substrates are converted to benzoyl-coenzyme A (CoA), which is then dearomatized to a conjugated dienoyl-CoA by ATP-dependent or -independent benzoyl-CoA reductases. It was unresolved whether or not related enzymes are involved in the anaerobic degradation of environmentally relevant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). In this work, a previously unknown dearomatizing 2-naphthoyl-CoA reductase was purified from extracts of the naphthalene-degrading, sulphidogenic enrichment culture N47. The oxygen-tolerant enzyme dearomatized the non-activated ring of 2-naphthoyl-CoA by a four-electron reduction to 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2-naphthoyl-CoA. The dimeric 150kDa enzyme complex was composed of a 72kDa subunit showing sequence similarity to members of the flavin-containing old yellow enzyme' family. NCR contained FAD, FMN, and an iron-sulphur cluster as cofactors. Extracts of Escherichia coli expressing the encoding gene catalysed 2-naphthoyl-CoA reduction. The identified NCR is a prototypical enzyme of a previously unknown class of dearomatizing arylcarboxyl-CoA reductases that are involved in anaerobic PAH degradation; it fundamentally differs from known benzoyl-CoA reductases.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Scientific Article
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Keywords Anaerobic Aromatic Metabolism ; 2,4-dienoyl-coa Reductase ; Escherichia-coli ; Benzoyl-coenzyme ; Degradation ; Naphthalene ; 2-methylnaphthalene ; Hydrocarbons ; Phenanthrene ; Enrichment
ISSN (print) / ISBN 0950-382x
e-ISSN 1365-2958
Quellenangaben Volume: 88, Issue: 5, Pages: 1032-1039 Article Number: , Supplement: ,
Publisher Wiley
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed