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PuSH - Publication Server of Helmholtz Zentrum München

Simkó, M.* ; Nosske, D.* ; Kreyling, W.G.

Metrics, dose, and dose concept: The need for a proper dose concept in the risk assessment of nanoparticles.

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 11, 4026-4048 (2014)
Publ. Version/Full Text Volltext DOI PMC
Open Access Gold
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In order to calculate the dose for nanoparticles (NP), (i) relevant information about the dose metrics and (ii) a proper dose concept are crucial. Since the appropriate metrics for NP toxicity are yet to be elaborated, a general dose calculation model for nanomaterials is not available. Here we propose how to develop a dose assessment model for NP in analogy to the radiation protection dose calculation, introducing the so-called "deposited and the equivalent dose". As a dose metric we propose the total deposited NP surface area (SA), which has been shown frequently to determine toxicological responses e.g. of lung tissue. The deposited NP dose is proportional to the total surface area of deposited NP per tissue mass, and takes into account primary and agglomerated NP. By using several weighting factors the equivalent dose additionally takes into account various physico-chemical properties of the NP which are influencing the biological responses. These weighting factors consider the specific surface area, the surface textures, the zeta-potential as a measure for surface charge, the particle morphology such as the shape and the length-to-diameter ratio (aspect ratio), the band gap energy levels of metal and metal oxide NP, and the particle dissolution rate. Furthermore, we discuss how these weighting factors influence the equivalent dose of the deposited NP.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Scientific Article
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Keywords Deposited Nanoparticle Dose ; Dose Rate ; Effective Dose ; Equivalent Dose ; Nanoparticle Surface Area ; Nanotoxicology ; Radiation Biology; Engineered Nanoparticles; Oxide Nanoparticles; Oxidative Stress; Particle-size; Nanotoxicology; Dissolution; Toxicity; Nanomaterials; Inflammation; Qsar
ISSN (print) / ISBN 1661-7827
e-ISSN 1660-4601
Quellenangaben Volume: 11, Issue: 4, Pages: 4026-4048 Article Number: , Supplement: ,
Publisher MDPI
Publishing Place Basel, Switzerland
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed
Institute(s) Institute of Epidemiology (EPI)