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Taussig, M.J.* ; Stoevesandt, O.* ; Borrebaeck, C.A.* ; Bradbury, A.R.* ; Cahill, D.* ; Cambillau, C.* ; de Daruvar, A.* ; Dübel, S.* ; Eichler, J.* ; Frank, R.* ; Gibson, T.J.* ; Gloriam, D.* ; Gold, L.* ; Herberg, F.W.* ; Hermjakob, H.* ; Hoheisel, J.D.* ; Joos, T.O.* ; Kallioniemi, O.* ; Koegl, M.* ; Konthur, Z.* ; Korn, B.* ; Kremmer, E. ; Krobitsch, S.* ; Landegren, U.* ; van der Maarel, S.* ; McCafferty, J.* ; Muyldermans, S.* ; Nygren, P.A.* ; Palcy, S.* ; Plückthun, A.* ; Polic, B.* ; Przybylski, M.* ; Saviranta, P.* ; Sawyer, A.* ; Sherman, D.J.* ; Skerra, A.* ; Templin, M.* ; Ueffing, M. ; Uhlén, M.*

ProteomeBinder: Planning a European resource of affinity reagents for analysis of the human proteome.

Nat. Methods 4, 13-17 (2007)
Open Access Green as soon as Postprint is submitted to ZB.
ProteomeBinders is a new European consortium aiming to establish a comprehensive resource of well-characterized affinity reagents, including but not limited to antibodies, for analysis of the human proteome. Given the huge diversity of the proteome, the scale of the project is potentially immense but nevertheless feasible in the context of a pan-European or even worldwide coordination.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Scientific Article
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ISSN (print) / ISBN 1548-7091
e-ISSN 1548-7105
Journal Nature Methods
Quellenangaben Volume: 4, Issue: 1, Pages: 13-17 Article Number: , Supplement: ,
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
Publishing Place New York, NY
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed