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Fuertes, E. ; Söderhäll, C.* ; Acevedo, N.* ; Becker, A.* ; Brauer, M.* ; Chan-Yeung, M.* ; Dijk, N.F.* ; Heinrich, J. ; de Jongste, J.* ; Koppelman, G.H.* ; Postma, D.S.* ; Kere, J.* ; Kozyrskyj, A.L.* ; Pershagen, G.* ; Sandford, A.J.* ; Standl, M. ; Tiesler, C.M. ; Waldenberger, M. ; Westman, M.* ; Carlsten, C.* ; Melén, E.*

Associations between the 17q21 region and allergic rhinitis in 5 birth cohorts.

J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 135, 573-576 (2015)
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Scientific Article
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Keywords Asthma; Variants; Risk; Metaanalysis; Population; Prevention; Design
ISSN (print) / ISBN 0091-6749
e-ISSN 1097-6825
Quellenangaben Volume: 135, Issue: 2, Pages: 573-576 Article Number: , Supplement: ,
Publisher Elsevier
Publishing Place Amsterdam [u.a.]
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed