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Mechanisms of Cdc48/VCP-mediated cell death: From yeast apoptosis to human disease.

Biochim. Biophys. Acta-Mol. Cell Res. 1783, 1418-1435 (2008)
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The evolutionary conserved protein Cdc48/VCP is involved in various cellular processes, such as protein degradation, membrane fusion and chaperone activity. Increased levels of Cdc48/VCP correlate with cancer, whereas Cdc48/VCP at endogenous levels has been proposed to be a pathological effector in protein deposition diseases. Upon mutation Cdc48/VCP triggers the multisystem disorder 'inclusion body myopathy associated with Paget's disease of bone and frontotemporal dementia' (IBMPFD). The roles of Cdc48/VCP under these diverse pathological conditions, especially its function in decreased and increased incidences of cell death underlying these diseases, are poorly understood. Mutation of yeast CDC48 (cdc48(S565G)) results in yeast cells demonstrating morphological markers of apoptotic cell death. In other species it has been confirmed that mutations and depletion of Cdc48/VCP cause apoptosis, whereas increased levels of this protein provide an anti-apoptotic effect. This review critically compares mechanisms of Cdc48/VCP-mediated apoptosis observed in yeast and other species. Cdc48/VCP plays a triple role in cell death. At first, loss-of-function of Cdc48/VCP due to mutation or depletion causes ER stress and oxidative stress, triggering apoptosis. Secondly, upon exogenously applied ER stress functional Cdc48/VCP is important in the processing of caspases and plays therewith a pro-apoptotic role. Finally, Cdc48/VCP protects cells from apoptosis through mediating and activating pro-survival signaling pathways, namely Akt and NFkappaB signaling. This complex role in cell death pathways could correspond with the various pathophysiological conditions Cdc48/VCP is involved in.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Scientific Article
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Keywords CDC48; VCP; p97; Mitochondria; Oxidative stress; ER stress; Apoptosis; Cell survival
ISSN (print) / ISBN 0167-4889
e-ISSN 1879-2596
Quellenangaben Volume: 1783, Issue: 7, Pages: 1418-1435 Article Number: , Supplement: ,
Publisher Elsevier
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed