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Schmidt, J.* ; Aubele, M. ; Jütting, U. ; Rodenacker, K. ; Luz, A.* ; Erfle, V.F.* ; Burger, G.T.

Computer-assisted imaging cytometry of nuclear chromatin reveals bone tumor virus infection and neoplastic transformation of adherent osteoblast-like cells.

Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 164, 728-735 (1989)
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Established osteoblast-like (OB) cells infected with the bone tumor-inducing C-type retrovirus OA MuLV remained nontumorigenic over 104 cell culture passages. DNA histograms revealed a new cell population with a stem line peak at 5c. A second OA MuLV-infected OB cell line underwent neoplastic transformation with increasing passage level. These cells showed diffuse aneuploidy. Stepwise linear discriminant analysis of the chromatin structure of control, OA MuLV-infected, and FBR osteosarcoma virus-transformed cell lines resulted in various levels of discrimination ranging between 79.6% for control cells versus nontumorigenic OA MuLV-infected cells, and 96.6% for nontumorigenic OA MuLV-infected cells versus FBR osteosarcoma virus-transformed cells. OA MuLV-infected tumorigenic cells and FBR osteosarcoma virus-transformed cells were discriminated at a 93.6% level.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Scientific Article
Corresponding Author
ISSN (print) / ISBN 0006-291X
e-ISSN 1090-2104
Quellenangaben Volume: 164, Issue: 2, Pages: 728-735 Article Number: , Supplement: ,
Publisher Elsevier
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed
Institute(s) Abteilung für molekulare Zellpathologie
Institute of Radiation Protection (ISS)
Institute of Pathology (PATH)