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PuSH - Publication Server of Helmholtz Zentrum München: Childhood malignant lymphoma. Favourable outlook with aggressive combination chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
From 1963-1974, 62 cases of malignant lymphoma were treated: 24 patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) and 38 with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). Relapse rate in children with HD before 1971 (pre-laparotomy data) was significantly higher than in the group after 1971, when explorative laparotomy, splenectomy and more aggressive radio- and chemotherapy were applied ( 10 15 vs 2 9). Since 1970 all children with NHL were entered in a modified leukaemia protocol combining radiotherapy to the primary site, prophylactic C.N.S.-irradiation and aggressive multiple drug chemotherapy. In this group 23 26 patients achieved complete remission vs 7 12 before 1970, when therapy consisted of low dose irradiation to the primary site, and/or single agent chemotherapy. Median survival in the group before 1970 was 5 months compared with 34+ months after 1970. Only 1 patient receiving prophylactic C.N.S.-irradiation developed C.N.S.-leukaemia vs 5 12 in the group before 1970.