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Hellmuth, J. ; Szczepanowski, M.* ; Staiger, A.* ; Pastore, A. ; Hartmann, S.* ; Tschuri, S. ; Hansmann, M.-L.* ; Ott, G.* ; Rosenwald, A.* ; Louissaint, J.A.* ; Kridel, R.* ; van Hummelen, P.* ; Ducar, M.D.* ; Hiddemann, W.* ; Sehn, L.H.* ; Moccia, A.A.* ; Gascoyne, R.D.* ; Weinstock, D.M.* ; Klapper, W.* ; Weigert, O.

Gastrointestinal Follicular Lymphoma (FL) differs from nodal FL by absence of EZH2 mutations.

Oncol. Res. Treat. 37, 75 (2014)
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Meeting abstract
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ISSN (print) / ISBN 2296-5270
e-ISSN 2296-5262
Quellenangaben Volume: 37, Issue: , Pages: 75 Article Number: , Supplement: ,
Publisher Karger
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed