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Adomako, D.* ; Gibrilla, A.* ; Maloszewski, P. ; Ganyaglo, S.Y.* ; Rai, S.*

Tracing stable isotopes (δ2H and δ18O) from meteoric water to groundwater in the Densu River basin of Ghana.

Environ. Monit. Assess. 187:264 (2015)
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This study represents the first attempt to study soil water δ18O profiles in Ghana using a mechanical auger. In this paper, the characteristics of δ18O and δ2H in rain water, surface water, soil water and groundwater have been used to understand the transformation mechanism of rain water to groundwater. Rain waters were sampled in Koforidua and Accra. Surface water and groundwater were sampled from the Densu River and selected boreholes in the basin, respectively. Soil waters were taken from three typical sites, namely, Potroase (POT), Teacher Mante (TM) and Ayikai Doblo (AD) in the northern, middle and southern zone from 0.00- to 6-m depth. The soil water was extracted using vacuum distillation method. The distribution of the stable isotopes of rain water is influenced by rainfall amount with minimal temperature effect. In general, the soil water is of meteoric origin undergoing fractionation-controlled evaporation. In the middle zone, the soil water shows some evidence of recharge from enriched source. The three profiles show similar trend of enriched values in the upper depths with gradual depletions of δ18O with depth. The POT profile showed relatively more depleted values suggesting a fast infiltration. In all the three profiles, soil waters below 3 m were found to contribute to groundwater recharge with piston flow as the dominant mechanism. The study also revealed that there is a significant contribution of enrich source to the groundwater system leading to the dilution of the infiltrating water by the large aquifer.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Scientific Article
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Keywords Densu River Basin ; Groundwater ; Groundwater Recharge ; Infiltration ; Soil Water Movement ; Stable Isotope; Partial Surface Mulch; Soil-water; North China; Movement; Flow; Recharge; Region; Heat
ISSN (print) / ISBN 0167-6369
e-ISSN 1573-2959
Quellenangaben Volume: 187, Issue: 5, Pages: , Article Number: 264 Supplement: ,
Publisher Springer
Publishing Place Dordrecht
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed