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Hege, M.A. ; Stingl, K.T.* ; Veit, R. ; Preissl, H.

Modulation of attentional networks by food-related disinhibition.

Physiol. Behav. 176, 84-92 (2017)
Postprint DOI PMC
Open Access Green
The risk of weight gain is especially related to disinhibition, which indicates the responsiveness to external food stimuli with associated disruptions in eating control. We adapted a food-related version of the attention network task and used functional magnetic resonance imaging to study the effects of disinhibition on attentional networks in 19 normal-weight participants. High disinhibition scores were associated with a rapid reorienting response to food pictures after invalid cueing and with an enhanced alerting effect of a warning cue signalizing the upcoming appearance of a food picture. Imaging data revealed activation of a right-lateralized ventral attention network during reorienting. The faster the reorienting and the higher the disinhibition score, the less activation of this network was observed. The alerting contrast showed activation in visual, temporo-parietal and anterior sites. These modulations of attentional networks by food-related disinhibition might be related to an attentional bias to energy dense and palatable food and increased intake of food in disinhibited individuals.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Scientific Article
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Keywords Alerting ; Disinhibition ; Food ; Reorienting ; Fmri; Eating Behavior; Human Brain; Independent Components; Neural Mechanisms; Functional Mri; Working-memory; Energy-intake; Weight-gain; System; Cues
ISSN (print) / ISBN 0031-9384
e-ISSN 1873-507X
Quellenangaben Volume: 176, Issue: , Pages: 84-92 Article Number: , Supplement: ,
Publisher Elsevier
Publishing Place Oxford
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed