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Brings, S.* ; Fleming, T. ; Freichel, M.* ; Muckenthaler, M.U.* ; Herzig, S. ; Nawroth, P.P.

Dicarbonyls and advanced glycation end-products in the development of diabetic complications and targets for intervention.

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 18:984 (2017)
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Open Access Gold
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Advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) are non-enzymatic protein and amino acid adducts as well as DNA adducts which form from dicarbonyls and glucose. AGE formation is enhanced in diabetes and is associated with the development of diabetic complications. In the current review, we discuss mechanisms that lead to enhanced AGE levels in the context of diabetes and diabetic complications. The methylglyoxal-detoxifying glyoxalase system as well as alternative pathways of AGE detoxification are summarized. Therapeutic approaches to interfere with different pathways of AGE formation are presented.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Review
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Keywords 3-deoxyglucosone ; Advanced Glycation End-products ; Aldose Reductase ; Diabetes ; Glyoxal ; Glyoxalase ; Methylglyoxal
ISSN (print) / ISBN 1422-0067
e-ISSN 1661-6596
Quellenangaben Volume: 18, Issue: 5, Pages: , Article Number: 984 Supplement: ,
Publisher MDPI
Publishing Place Basel
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed