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Kress, S.J.P.* ; Cui, J. ; Rohner, P.* ; Kim, D.K.* ; Antolinez, F.V.* ; Zaininger, K.A.* ; Jayanti, S.V.* ; Richner, P.* ; McPeak, K.M.* ; Poulikakos, D.* ; Norris, D.J.*

A customizable class of colloidal-quantum-dot spasers and plasmonic amplifiers.

Sci. Adv. 3:e1700688 (2017)
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Colloidal quantum dots are robust, efficient, and tunable emitters now used in lighting, displays, and lasers. Consequently, when the spaser-a laser-like source of high-intensity, narrow-band surface plasmons-was first proposed, quantum dots were specified as the ideal plasmonic gain medium for overcoming the significant intrinsic losses of plasmons. Many subsequent spasers, however, have required a single material to simultaneously provide gain and define the plasmonic cavity, a design unable to accommodate quantum dots and other colloidal nanomaterials. In addition, these and other designs have been ill suited for integration with other elements in a larger plasmonic circuit, limiting their use. We develop a more open architecture that decouples the gain medium from the cavity, leading to a versatile class of quantum dot-based spasers that allow controlled generation, extraction, and manipulation of plasmons. We first create aberration-corrected plasmonic cavities with high quality factors at desired locations on an ultrasmooth silver substrate. We then incorporate quantum dots into these cavities via electrohydrodynamic printing or drop-casting. Photoexcitation under ambient conditions generates monochromatic plasmons (0.65-nm linewidth at 630 nm, ~ 1000) above threshold. This signal is extracted, directed through an integrated amplifier, and focused at a nearby nanoscale tip, generating intense electromagnetic fields. More generally, our device platform can be straightforwardly deployed at different wavelengths, size scales, and geometries on large-area plasmonic chips for fundamental studies and applications.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Scientific Article
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ISSN (print) / ISBN 2375-2548
e-ISSN 2375-2548
Quellenangaben Volume: 3, Issue: 9, Pages: , Article Number: e1700688 Supplement: ,
Publisher American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Publishing Place Washington, DC [u.a.]
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed
Institute(s) Helmholtz Pioneer Campus (HPC)