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PuSH - Publication Server of Helmholtz Zentrum München: Coding exon-structure aware realigner (CESAR): Utilizing genome Aaignments for comparative gene annotation.
Alignment-based gene identification methods utilize sequence conservation between orthologous protein-coding genes to annotate genes in newly sequenced genomes. CESAR is an approach that makes use of existing genome alignments to transfer genes from one genome to other aligned genomes, and thus generates comparative gene annotations. To accurately detect conserved exons that exhibit an intact reading frame and consensus splice sites, CESAR produces a new alignment between orthologous exons, taking information about the exon's reading frame and splice site positions into account. Furthermore, CESAR is able to detect most evolutionary splice site shifts, which helps to annotate exon boundaries at high precision. Here, we describe how to apply CESAR to generate comparative gene annotations for one or many species, and discuss the strengths and limitations of this approach. CESAR is available at .