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Pinto, L. ; Drechsel, D. ; Schmid, M.-T. ; Ninkovic, J. ; Irmler, M. ; Brill, M.S. ; Restani, L.* ; Gianfranceschi, L.* ; Cerri, C.* ; Weber, S.N.* ; Tarabykin, V.* ; Baer, K.* ; Guillemot, F.* ; Beckers, J. ; Zecevic, N.* ; Dehay, C.* ; Caleo, M.* ; Schorle, H.* ; Götz, M.

AP2γ regulates basal progenitor fate in a region- and layer-specific manner in the developing cortex.

Nat. Neurosci. 12, 1229-1237 (2009)
Open Access Green as soon as Postprint is submitted to ZB.
An important feature of the cerebral cortex is its layered organization, which is modulated in an area-specific manner. We found that the transcription factor AP2 gamma regulates laminar fate in a region-specific manner. Deletion of AP2 gamma (also known as Tcfap2c) during development resulted in a specific reduction of upper layer neurons in the occipital cortex, leading to impaired function and enhanced plasticity of the adult visual cortex. AP2 gamma functions in apical progenitors, and its absence resulted in mis-specification of basal progenitors in the occipital cortex at the time at which upper layer neurons were generated. AP2 gamma directly regulated the basal progenitor fate determinants Math3 (also known as Neurod4) and Tbr2, and its overexpression promoted the generation of layer II/III neurons in a time- and region-specific manner. Thus, AP2 gamma acts as a regulator of basal progenitor fate, linking regional and laminar specification in the mouse developing cerebral cortex.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Scientific Article
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Keywords cortical subventricular zone; developing cerebral-cortex; radial glia; mammalian telencephalon; developing neocortex; mouse embryogenesis; pyramidal neurons; cell-cycle; wild-type; pax6
ISSN (print) / ISBN 1097-6256
e-ISSN 1546-1726
Quellenangaben Volume: 12, Issue: 10, Pages: 1229-1237 Article Number: , Supplement: ,
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
Publishing Place New-York
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed