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Petzold, T.* ; Thienel, M.* ; Dannenberg, L.* ; Mourikis, P.* ; Helten, C.* ; Ayhan, A.* ; M'Pembele, R.* ; Achilles, A.* ; Trojovky, K.* ; Zhang, Z.* ; Regenauer, R.* ; Pircher, J.* ; Ehrlich, A.* ; Lüsebrink, E.* ; Nicolai, L.* ; Stocker, T.J.* ; Brandl, R.* ; Röschenthaler, F.* ; Strecker, J.* ; Saleh, I.* ; Spannagl, M.* ; Mayr, C. ; Schiller, H. B. ; Jung, C.* ; Gerdes, N.* ; Hoffmann, T.* ; Levkau, B.* ; Hohlfeld, T.* ; Zeus, T.* ; Schulz, C.* ; Kelm, M.* ; Polzin, A.*

Response by Petzold et al to letter regarding article, "Rivaroxaban reduces arterial thrombosis by inhibition of FXa-driven platelet activation via protease activated receptor-1".

Circ. Res. 126, E54-E55 (2020)
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Letter to the Editor
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ISSN (print) / ISBN 0009-7330
e-ISSN 1524-4571
Quellenangaben Volume: 126, Issue: 8, Pages: E54-E55 Article Number: , Supplement: ,
Publisher Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Publishing Place Two Commerce Sq, 2001 Market St, Philadelphia, Pa 19103 Usa
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed
Institute(s) German Center for Lung Research (DZL)