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Occupational rhinitis.
Allergologie 43, 239-246 (2020)
Occupational rhinitis (OR) has so far received little attention even though it shares common pathophysiological features and trigger factors and is closely associated with occupational asthma (OA). Work-related exposure to certain substances, such as animal dander, is considered to be the main factor for the development of OR. The new EAACI definition of OR stresses the causal relationship between workplace exposure and onset of rhinitis symptoms as opposed to previous definitions that mainly focused on a temporal relationship between workplace exposure and occurrence of nasal symptoms. Also, it has been suggested to use the term "workrelated rhinitis" for classifying the different forms of rhinitis associated with the workplace. These forms can be subdivided into allergic or non-allergic OR that is due to causes and conditions related to a particular work environment as well as work-exacerbated rhinitis that is defined as a pre-existing rhinitis exacerbated by exposure at the workplace. Even though taking a detailed patient history is especially important when it comes to diagnosing OR, the gold standard for confirming the diagnosis is represented by nasal provocation testing. Best possible symptomatic relief and prevention of development of OA constitute the main therapeutic objectives of OR. Treatment options consist of total avoidance of trigger substances (main goal), reduction of exposure to certain substances, and pharmacotherapy. Furthermore, it is important that allergic OR is an occupational disease in Germany (BK 4301) and needs to be reported to health authorities.
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Publication type
Article: Journal article
Document type
Allergic ; Bk 4301 ; Nasal Provocation Test ; Non-allergic Occupational Rhinitis (or) ; Occupational Asthma (oa)-occupational Disease ; Work-exacerbated Rhinitis ; Work-related-rhinitis; Work-related Symptoms; Allergic Rhinitis; Asthma; Sensitization; Prevalence; Diagnosis; Management; Exposure; Smoking; Model
ISSN (print) / ISBN
Volume: 43,
Issue: 6,
Pages: 239-246
Publishing Place
Bahnhofstrasse 9 Postfach 49, D-82032 Deisenhofen-muenchen, Germany
Non-patent literature
Reviewing status
Peer reviewed
Institute for Allergy Research (IAF)