The common methods for patient dose estimations in computed tomography (CT) are thermoluminescence dosemeter (TLD) measurements or the usage of software packages based on Monte Carlo simulations like CT-Expo or the newer CTVoxDos, which uses the ICRP Reference Adult Male (ICRP 110). Organ (OD) and effective doses of a CT protocol of the upper abdomen are compared. Compared to CTVoxDos, ODs inferred by TLD measurement using an anthropomorphic phantom differ by (19 +/- 16)% inside the primary radiation field, (14 +/- 2)% for partially primary irradiated organs and (34 +/- 38)% in the scattered radiation field. ODs estimated by CT-Expo show a mean deviation of (16 +/- 9)% (primary irradiated) and (28 +/- 31)% (scatter irradiated) from ODs estimated by CTVoxDos.