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Heinitz, S. ; Hollstein, T.* ; Ando, T.* ; Walter, M.* ; Basolo, A.* ; Krakoff, J.* ; Votruba, S.B.* ; Piaggi, P.*

Early adaptive thermogenesis is a determinant of weight loss after six weeks of caloric restriction in overweight subjects.

Metabolism 110:154303 (2020)
Open Access Green as soon as Postprint is submitted to ZB.
Background: Adaptive thermogenesis during prolonged energy deficit refers to the greater than expected reduction in energy expenditure (EE) independent of concomitant loss of metabolically active body mass.Objective: As inter-individual variability in the magnitude of adaptive thermogenesis may influence the extent of energy deficit thereby predicting the amount of weight reduction, we investigated whether early adaptive thermogenesis is a determinant of weight loss after 6 weeks of daily 50% caloric restriction in an inpatient setting.Design and methods: The current study reports the results of an exploratory, secondary analysis in overweight but otherwise healthy subjects (n=11, 7 men, 35 +/- 9y, BMI 40 +/- 7 kg/m(2), body fat 633 +/- 5.3%). Body composition and 24-h EL (24hEE) measurement in a whole-room indirect calorimeter were used to calculate the magnitude of adaptive thermogenesis while on caloric restriction after 1, and 6 weeks. Energy deficit during caloric restriction was quantified via food, stool, and urine bomb calorimetry. Fasting hormonal concentrations (FF4, FT3 FGF21, leptin) were obtained at baseline and at weeks 3 and 6 during caloric restriction.Results: The magnitude of adaptive thermogenesis in 24hEE after 1 week of caloric restriction was 178 137 kcal/day (mean +/- SD), was overall stable during and following caloric restriction, and demonstrated remarkable intra-individual consistency. A relatively greater decrease in 24hEE of 100 kcal/d after 1 week of caloric restriction was associated on average with reduced energy deficit by 8195 kcal over 6 weeks and predicted 2.0 kg less weight loss, of which 0.5 kg was fat mass, after 6 weeks. No correlations were found between hormonal concentrations and weight loss.Conclusions: The extent of weight loss is influenced by the magnitude of adaptive thermogenesis in the early stage of caloric restriction. Although these results need replication in larger study groups with adequate statistical power, targeting adaptive thermogenesis may help to optimize long-term interventions in obesity therapy. Published by Elsevier Inc.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Scientific Article
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Keywords Caloric Restriction ; Energy Metabolism ; Thermogenesis ; Obesity ; Energy Balance ; Weight Loss; Energy-expenditure; Metabolic Adaptation; Body-composition; Physical-activity; Fat; Exercise; Obese; Gain; Carbohydrate; Individuals
ISSN (print) / ISBN 0026-0495
e-ISSN 1532-8600
Quellenangaben Volume: 110, Issue: , Pages: , Article Number: 154303 Supplement: ,
Publisher Elsevier
Publishing Place 1600 John F Kennedy Boulevard, Ste 1800, Philadelphia, Pa 19103-2899 Usa
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed
Institute(s) Helmholtz Institute for Metabolism, Obesity and Vascular Research (HI-MAG)