In Figure 2, the colours and the positions of the labels are incorrect. The correct Figure 2 appears below as Figure 1. As a result, the legend of Figure 2, “Sky blue: edgetic gains as a result of more genes being expressed in the cancer state, dark brown (left of zero intercept): edgetic gains as a result of isoform/domain changes (left of zero intercept). Light brown: edgetic losses as a result of the depletion of genes in the cancer state (right of zero intercept), light green: edgetic losses as a result of isoform/domain changes (right of zero intercept).” should read: “Sky blue: edgetic gains as a result of more genes being expressed in the cancer state, red: edgetic gains as a result of isoform/domain changes (right of zero intercept): Light brown: edgetic losses as a result of the depletion of genes in the cancer state (left of zero intercept), light green: edgetic losses as a result of isoform/domain changes (left of zero intercept).” In Figure 3, the labels of the gene CALM1 are incorrectly given as CALM2. The correct Figure 3 appears below as Figure 2.