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Cataldi, S.* ; Aprile, M.* ; Melillo, D.* ; Mucel, I.* ; Giorgetti-Peraldi, S.* ; Cormont, M.* ; Italiani, P.* ; Blüher, M. ; Tanti, J.F.* ; Ciccodicola, A.* ; Costa, V.*

TNFα mediates inflammation-induced effects on PPARG splicing in adipose tissue and mesenchymal precursor cells.

Cells 11:42 (2022)
Publ. Version/Full Text Research data DOI PMC
Open Access Gold
Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag
Low-grade chronic inflammation and reduced differentiation capacity are hallmarks of hy-pertrophic adipose tissue (AT) and key contributors of insulin resistance. We identified PPARG∆5 as a dominant-negative splicing isoform overexpressed in the AT of obese/diabetic patients able to impair adipocyte differentiation and PPARγ activity in hypertrophic adipocytes. Herein, we investigate the impact of macrophage-secreted pro-inflammatory factors on PPARG splicing, focusing on PPARG∆5. We report that the epididymal AT of LPS-treated mice displays increased Pparg∆5/cPparg ratio and reduced expression of Pparg-regulated genes. Interestingly, pro-inflammatory factors secreted from murine and human pro-inflammatory macrophages enhance the PPARG∆5/cPPARG ratio in exposed adipogenic precursors. TNFα is identified herein as factor able to alter PPARG splicing— increasing PPARG∆5/cPPARG ratio—through PI3K/Akt signaling and SRp40 splicing factor. In line with in vitro data, TNFA expression is higher in the SAT of obese (vs. lean) patients and posi-tively correlates with PPARG∆5 levels. In conclusion, our results indicate that inflammatory factors secreted by metabolically-activated macrophages are potent stimuli that modulate the expression and splicing of PPARG. The resulting imbalance between canonical and dominant negative isoforms may crucially contribute to impair PPARγ activity in hypertrophic AT, exacerbating the defective adipogenic capacity of precursor cells.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Scientific Article
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Keywords Adipocyte Precursors ; Dominant Negative Isoform ; Hypertrophic Obesity ; Inflammation ; Pparg Splicing ; Tnfα; Activated Receptor-gamma; Necrosis-factor-alpha; Tnf-alpha; Insulin-resistance; Dependent Pathway; Kappa-b; Obesity; Macrophages; Adipocytes; Expression
ISSN (print) / ISBN 2073-4409
e-ISSN 2073-4409
Journal Cells
Quellenangaben Volume: 11, Issue: 1, Pages: , Article Number: 42 Supplement: ,
Publisher MDPI
Publishing Place Basel
Non-patent literature Publications
Institute(s) Helmholtz Institute for Metabolism, Obesity and Vascular Research (HI-MAG)
Grants European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes
Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca