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Buters, J.T.M. ; Clot, B.* ; Galán, C.* ; Gehrig, R.* ; Gilge, S.* ; Hentges, F.* ; O’Connor, D.* ; Sikoparija, B.* ; Skjoth, C.* ; Tummon, F.* ; Adams-Groom, B.* ; Antunes, C.M.* ; Bruffaerts, N.* ; Celenk, S.* ; Crouzy, B.* ; Guillaud, G.* ; Hajkova, L.* ; Seliger, A.K.* ; Oliver, G.* ; Ribeiro, H.* ; Rodinkova, V.* ; Saarto, A.* ; Sauliene, I.* ; Sozinova, O.* ; Stjepanovic, B.*

Automatic detection of airborne pollen: an overview.

Aerobiologia, DOI: 10.1007/s10453-022-09750-x (2022)
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Open Access Gold (Paid Option)
Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag
Pollen monitoring has traditionally been carried out using manual methods first developed in the early 1950s. Although this technique has been recently standardised, it suffers from several drawbacks, notably data usually only being available with a delay of 3–9 days and usually delivered at a daily resolution. Several automatic instruments have come on to the market over the past few years, with more new devices also under development. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of all available and developing automatic instruments, how they measure, how they identify airborne pollen, what impacts measurement quality, as well as what potential there is for further advancement in the field of bioaerosol monitoring.
Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Scientific Article
Corresponding Author
Keywords Automatic Monitor ; Fungal Spores ; Methods ; Pollen
ISSN (print) / ISBN 0393-5965
e-ISSN 1573-3025
Journal Aerobiologia
Publisher Pitagora Ed.
Publishing Place Bologna
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed