Behrens, T.* ; Ge, C.* ; Vermeulen, R.* ; Kendzia, B.* ; Olsson, A.* ; Schüz, J.* ; Kromhout, H.* ; Pesch, B.* ; Peters, S.* ; Portengen, L.* ; Gustavsson, P.* ; Mirabelli, D.* ; Guénel, P.* ; Luce, D.* ; Consonni, D.* ; Caporaso, N.E.* ; Landi, M.T.* ; Field, J.K.* ; Karrasch, S. ; Wichmann, H.-E. ; Siemiatycki, J.* ; Parent, M.E.* ; Richiardi, L.* ; Simonato, L.* ; Jöckel, K.H.* ; Ahrens, W.* ; Pohlabeln, H.* ; Fernandez-Tardon, G.* ; Zaridze, D.* ; McLaughlin, J.R.* ; Demers, P.A.* ; Świątkowska, B.* ; Lissowska, J.* ; Pándics, T.* ; Fabianova, E.* ; Mates, D.* ; Bencko, V.* ; Foretova, L.* ; Janout, V.* ; Boffetta, P.* ; Bueno-de-Mesquita, B.* ; Forastiere, F.* ; Straif, K.* ; Brüning, T.*
Occupational exposure to nickel and hexavalent chromium and the risk of lung cancer in a pooled analysis of case-control studies (SYNERGY).
Int. J. Cancer 152, 645-660 (2023)
There is limited evidence regarding the exposure-effect relationship between lung-cancer risk and hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) or nickel. We estimated lung-cancer risks in relation to quantitative indices of occupational exposure to Cr(VI) and nickel and their interaction with smoking habits. We pooled 14 case-control studies from Europe and Canada, including 16,901 lung-cancer cases and 20,965 control subjects. A measurement-based job-exposure-matrix estimated job-year-region specific exposure levels to Cr(VI) and nickel, which were linked to the subjects' occupational histories. Odds ratios (OR) and associated 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated by unconditional logistic regression, adjusting for study, age group, smoking habits, and exposure to other occupational lung carcinogens. Due to their high correlation, we refrained from mutually adjusting for Cr(VI) and nickel independently. In men, ORs for the highest quartile of cumulative exposure to CR(VI) were 1.32 (95% CI 1.19-1.47) and 1.29 (95% CI 1.15-1.45) in relation to nickel. Analogous results among women were: 1.04 (95% CI 0.48-2.24) and 1.29 (95% CI 0.60-2.86), respectively. In men, excess lung-cancer risks due to occupational Cr(VI) and nickel exposure were also observed in each stratum of never, former and current smokers. Joint effects of Cr(VI) and nickel with smoking were in general greater than additive, but not differerent from multiplicative. In summary, relatively low cumulative levels of occupational exposure to Cr(VI) and nickel were associated with increased ORs for lung cancer, particularly in men. However, we cannot rule out a combined classical measurement and Berkson-type of error structure, which may cause differential bias of risk estimates. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Article: Journal article
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Metals ; Pulmonary Cancer ; Synergy ; Smoking ; Welders; Workers; Matrix
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Volume: 152,
Issue: 4,
Pages: 645-660
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111 River St, Hoboken 07030-5774, Nj Usa
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Peer reviewed
Institute of Epidemiology (EPI)
German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
German Federal Ministry of Education, Science, Research, and Technology
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Compagnia di San Paolo
Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung
Europe Against Cancer Program
European Regional Development Fund
State Budget of the Czech Republic
Fondation de France
European Union Nuclear Fission Safety Program
INCO-Copernicus Program
Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro
NIH/NCI/DCEG Intramural Research Program
Polish State Committee for Science Research
Regione Lombardia
Regione Piemonte
Roy Castle Foundation
Swedish Council for Work Life Research
Swedish EPA
Universidad de Oviedo
Guzzo-SRC Chair in Environment and Cancer
Ministerstvo Zdravotnictvi Ceske Republiky