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Long-term single-cell imaging of mammalian stem cells.

Nat. Methods 8, Suppl. S, S30-S35 (2011)
Open Access Green as soon as Postprint is submitted to ZB.
Continuous long-term single-cell observation provides insight into the molecular control of cell fate. This is particularly important for rare and heterogeneous populations of cells, such as mammalian stem cells. The current lack of usable off-the-shelf hardware and software for such experiments makes their implementation technically challenging. Here I discuss the need for continuous single-cell quantification to understand molecular cell fate control as well as organizational and technical solutions for long-term imaging and tracking of stem cells.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Scientific Article
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Keywords mouse cerebral-cortex; hematopoietic stem; in-vitro; progenitor cells; self-renewal; postnatal astroglia; systems biology; lineage choice; fate; generation
ISSN (print) / ISBN 1548-7091
e-ISSN 1548-7105
Journal Nature Methods
Quellenangaben Volume: 8, Issue: 4, Pages: S30-S35, Article Number: , Supplement: Suppl. S
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
Publishing Place New York, NY
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed