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Chatzitheodoridou, D.* ; D'Ario, M.* ; Jones, I.* ; Piñeros, L.* ; Serbanescu, D.* ; O'Donnell, F.* ; Cadart, C.* ; Swaffer, M.P.*

Meeting report - Cell size and growth: from single cells to the tree of life.

J. Cell Sci. 135:jcs260634 (2022)
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In April 2022, The Company of Biologists hosted their first post-pandemic in-person Workshop at Buxted Park Country House in the Sussex countryside. The Workshop, entitled 'Cell size and growth: from single cells to the tree of life', gathered a small group of early-career and senior researchers with expertise in cell size spanning a broad range of organisms, including bacteria, yeast, animal cells, embryos and plants, and working in fields from cell biology to ecology and evolutionary biology. The programme made ample room for fruitful discussions and provided a much-needed opportunity to discuss the most recent findings relating to the regulation of cell size and growth, identify the emerging challenges for the field, and build a community after the pandemic.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Meeting abstract
Corresponding Author
Keywords Cycle; Inhibitor
ISSN (print) / ISBN 0021-9533
e-ISSN 1477-9137
Quellenangaben Volume: 135, Issue: 20, Pages: , Article Number: jcs260634 Supplement: ,
Publisher Company of Biologists
Publishing Place Cambridge
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed
Grants Company of Biologists