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Pollastri, S.* ; Velikova, V.* ; Castaldini, M.* ; Fineschi, S.* ; Ghirardo, A. ; Renaut, J.* ; Schnitzler, J.-P. ; Sergeant, K.* ; Winkler, J.B. ; Zorzan, S.* ; Loreto, F.*

Isoprene-emitting tobacco plants are less affected by moderate water deficit under future climate change scenario and show adjustments of stress-related proteins in actual climate.

Plants 12:18 (2023)
Publ. Version/Full Text DOI PMC
Open Access Gold
Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag
Isoprene-emitting plants are better protected against thermal and oxidative stresses, which is a desirable trait in a climate-changing (drier and warmer) world. Here we compared the ecophysiological performances of transgenic isoprene-emitting and wild-type non-emitting tobacco plants during water stress and after re-watering in actual environmental conditions (400 ppm of CO2 and 28 °C of average daily temperature) and in a future climate scenario (600 ppm of CO2 and 32 °C of average daily temperature). Furthermore, we intended to complement the present knowledge on the mechanisms involved in isoprene-induced resistance to water deficit stress by examining the proteome of transgenic isoprene-emitting and wild-type non-emitting tobacco plants during water stress and after re-watering in actual climate. Isoprene emitters maintained higher photosynthesis and electron transport rates under moderate stress in future climate conditions. However, physiological resistance to water stress in the isoprene-emitting plants was not as marked as expected in actual climate conditions, perhaps because the stress developed rapidly. In actual climate, isoprene emission capacity affected the tobacco proteomic profile, in particular by upregulating proteins associated with stress protection. Our results strengthen the hypothesis that isoprene biosynthesis is related to metabolic changes at the gene and protein levels involved in the activation of general stress defensive mechanisms of plants.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Scientific Article
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Keywords Climate Change ; Isoprene ; Photosynthesis ; Protection ; Proteomics ; Water Stress; Photosynthetic Electron-transport; Rubisco Activase; Drought Stress; Increases Thermotolerance; Protects Photosynthesis; Volatile Isoprenoids; Thylakoid Membranes; Gene-expression; Heat-stress; Emission
ISSN (print) / ISBN 2223-7747
e-ISSN 2223-7747
Journal Plants
Quellenangaben Volume: 12, Issue: 2, Pages: , Article Number: 18 Supplement: ,
Publisher MDPI
Publishing Place Basel, Switzerland
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed