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Braakhuis, H.M.* ; Gremmer, E.R.* ; Bannuscher, A.* ; Drasler, B.* ; Keshavan, S.* ; Rothen-Rutishauser, B.* ; Birk, B.* ; Verlohner, A.* ; Landsiedel, R.* ; Meldrum, K.* ; Doak, S.H.* ; Clift, M.J.D.* ; Erdem, J.S.* ; Foss, O.A.H.* ; Zienolddiny-Narui, S.* ; Serchi, T.* ; Moschini, E.* ; Weber, P.* ; Burla, S.* ; Kumar, P. ; Schmid, O. ; Zwart, E.* ; Vermeulen, J.P.* ; Vandebriel, R.J.*

Transferability and reproducibility of exposed air-liquid interface co-culture lung models.

NanoImpact 31:100466 (2023)
Publ. Version/Full Text DOI PMC
Open Access Gold (Paid Option)
Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag
BACKGROUND: The establishment of reliable and robust in vitro models for hazard assessment, a prerequisite for moving away from animal testing, requires the evaluation of model transferability and reproducibility. Lung models that can be exposed via the air, by means of an air-liquid interface (ALI) are promising in vitro models for evaluating the safety of nanomaterials (NMs) after inhalation exposure. We performed an inter-laboratory comparison study to evaluate the transferability and reproducibility of a lung model consisting of the human bronchial cell line Calu-3 as a monoculture and, to increase the physiologic relevance of the model, also as a co-culture with macrophages (either derived from the THP-1 monocyte cell line or from human blood monocytes). The lung model was exposed to NMs using the VITROCELL® Cloud12 system at physiologically relevant dose levels. RESULTS: Overall, the results of the 7 participating laboratories are quite similar. After exposing Calu-3 alone and Calu-3 co-cultures with macrophages, no effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), quartz (DQ12) or titanium dioxide (TiO2) NM-105 particles on the cell viability and barrier integrity were detected. LPS exposure induced moderate cytokine release in the Calu-3 monoculture, albeit not statistically significant in most labs. In the co-culture models, most laboratories showed that LPS can significantly induce cytokine release (IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α). The exposure to quartz and TiO2 particles did not induce a statistically significant increase in cytokine release in both cell models probably due to our relatively low deposited doses, which were inspired by in vivo dose levels. The intra- and inter-laboratory comparison study indicated acceptable interlaboratory variation for cell viability/toxicity (WST-1, LDH) and transepithelial electrical resistance, and relatively high inter-laboratory variation for cytokine production. CONCLUSION: The transferability and reproducibility of a lung co-culture model and its exposure to aerosolized particles at the ALI were evaluated and recommendations were provided for performing inter-laboratory comparison studies. Although the results are promising, optimizations of the lung model (including more sensitive read-outs) and/or selection of higher deposited doses are needed to enhance its predictive value before it may be taken further towards a possible OECD guideline.
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Publication type Article: Journal article
Document type Scientific Article
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Keywords Air Exposure ; Air-liquid Interface ; Inter-laboratory Comparison ; Lung Model ; Nanomaterial ; Toxicity; In-vitro Cytotoxicity; Nano-titanium Dioxide; Pulmonary Inflammation; Inhalation Exposure; Particles; Toxicity; Cells; Tio2; Nanoparticles; Rats
ISSN (print) / ISBN 2452-0748
e-ISSN 2452-0748
Journal NanoImpact
Quellenangaben Volume: 31, Issue: , Pages: , Article Number: 100466 Supplement: ,
Publisher Elsevier
Publishing Place Amsterdam
Non-patent literature Publications
Reviewing status Peer reviewed
Grants Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management
European Union
National Institute of Occupational Health, Oslo, Norway
EU-project PATROLS (Physiologically Anchored Tools for Realistic nanomaterial hazard aSsessment)